نحن مؤسسة مستقلة و غير حكومية  تأسست عام 2004



Key BIFF 2015 dates :


Open submissions 1st March 

Close submissions 1st June 2015

1st - 5th October 7BIFF 2015

فتح تسجيل الافلام للدورة الجديدة في الاول من اذار مارس والاغلاق في الاول من حزيران يونيو 2015

من 1 ولغاية 5 اكتوبر تشرين الاول 2015 - الدورة السابعة للمهرجان


Fetching Tweets…


Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival- France in Baghdad

Awarded Films 2014

3 years of collaboration with BIFF

3 سنوات من التعاون مع مهرجان كليرمون فيران - فرنسا

عرض الافلام الحائزة على الجوائز الاولى في دورة المهرجان 2014










Through the Eyes of women filmmakers from Gaza - Palestine

ضيف شرف المهرجان : مخرجات من غزة 



ورشات 2015




المؤسسة العراقية لتنمية السينما والثقافة

Iraqi Association for Cinema  & Cultural  Development

( I.A.C.C.D)






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a special programs from :


clermont ferrand international short film festival - France

مهرجان كليرمون فيران الدولي للفيلم القصير - فرنسا


مجموعة ارتيه

مجموعة لماذا الفقر ؟





الندوة الدولية الثانية للنهوض بالسينما في العراق


In collaboration with




In brief..



Mesopotamia Media pro. IRAQ



السينما العراقية بأيجاز










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Baghdad ARTE project's debate

Posted on October 8, 2013

Baghdad ARTE project's debate


ARTE Project in Baghdad debate 7-10

Last year, the French-German channel ARTE, launched a video contest for Iraqi young film makers  for a web-documentary that would be posted on their official website in the context of the 10th commemoration of the second Gulf war. For more than a month, ten students from different parts of the country were trained and guided by the director Katia Jarjoura, to make personal films on the thematic “my Iraq today.” At the end, five of them were selected and broadcast. the project done in collaboration between ARTE and Baghdad international film festival.a panel discussion on 7th Oct have take place between Katia Jarjoura a representative of ARTE project , Taher ALWAN :BIFF director  and some of the young filmmakers : Malik Alwai , Omar Yassin .
 katia first related her experience with the young filmmakers in Iraq and the  difficulties she encountered to do the project .then  the young filmmakesr both talked about their films and how they benefited from the help and supervision of Ktia . following this topics katia gave a brief introduction to low budget  filmmaking in unstable countries like Iraq . she explained how to make  a personal  3 to 5 minuets films from the script process till  post production. then the panel opened  for questions and answers . .most of the participants where either young filmmakers or people revolving in the cinema world. it was a heated debate where every one express his opinion on the importance to promote Iraqi cinema today and to launch some projects like Arte .




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