نحن مؤسسة مستقلة و غير حكومية  تأسست عام 2004



Key BIFF 2015 dates :


Open submissions 1st March 

Close submissions 1st June 2015


7 BIFF 2015 : 1st - 5th October 


فتح تسجيل الافلام للدورة الجديدة في الاول من اذار مارس والاغلاق في الاول من حزيران يونيو 2015


من 1 ولغاية 5 اكتوبر تشرين الاول 2015 - الدورة السابعة للمهرجان


Fetching Tweets…





Do you want to shoot in Baghdad ? OR you need a professional Iraqi casting OR filming consultaion about Iraqi charcters & locations ? we can help you .contact us .



ورشات 2015


you can submit your film through click for festival





Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival- France in Baghdad

Awarded Films 2014

3 years of collaboration with BIFF

3 سنوات من التعاون مع مهرجان كليرمون فيران - فرنسا

عرض الافلام الحائزة على الجوائز الاولى في دورة المهرجان 2014










Through the Eyes of women filmmakers from Gaza - Palestine

ضيف شرف المهرجان : مخرجات من غزة 




المؤسسة العراقية لتنمية السينما والثقافة

Iraqi Association for Cinema  & Cultural  Development

( I.A.C.C.D)






join us to reach to 15000 likes on our  page

انضم الى اصدقاء الصفحة في فيسبوك للوصول الى 15000 مشارك









a special programs from :


clermont ferrand international short film festival - France

مهرجان كليرمون فيران الدولي للفيلم القصير - فرنسا


مجموعة ارتيه

مجموعة لماذا الفقر ؟





الندوة الدولية الثانية للنهوض بالسينما في العراق


In collaboration with




In brief..



Mesopotamia Media pro. IRAQ



السينما العراقية بأيجاز











Sponsorship Regulations



Call for Sponsors for  BIFF 2015…


Would you be interested in sponsoring Baghdad International Film Festival

, the premier International Film  Festival in Iraq and the promised film festival in the Middleast?

BIFF team  have an  exciting sponsorship opportunities available! Or maybe you know someone who would be interested, please feel free to forward a link to your networks and don’t hesitate asking us for any more details.

We have a range of packages to suit all personalities , governmental and non governmental institutions , companies , Media… etc.. .

Our sponsorship packages give you the opportunity to reach our network, audiences organizations and Media  throughout Iraq  and beyond. In addition, your message will reach the visitors to BIFF  . you will a finger print in developing the festival and help  Iraqi film makers in their achievements .

Whatever your budget, we have a package to suit! Are you looking for individually tailored package? We can also help you with this, get in touch.

Bronze Package
For even the small  organizations to get involved  Deliver your message to our live and online audience with links to your website and logos placed on our online platforms including our festival website, facebook group,  Festival catalog , festival`s clip in between screening films within the festival and our dedicated members social network.


Silver Package
The standard package for medium size businesses
Bronze package advantages come as standard plus: logos placed on our online platforms including our festival website, facebook group,  Festival catalog and half of all our publications , no members will miss your message as we will add your flyer to the festival packs.. You can bring another
person along with you as this package includes two festival passes.

Gold Package
For organizations who want to be seen Sponsorship  Silver package advantages come as standard plus:
2  of the prizes granted to the winners will be in your name or your organization, we will Amplify your message with these special Gold Package only features. At the festival we will give you a trade stand for a
larger physical presence, not available through any other means. in the day you get a free trade stand, your flyers distributed
throughout the venue,  your logo will show  in the festival`s clip in between screening films.

Further to that, we will include your logo in all of our publications, flyers , banners ,posters, and cards which will distributed and placed in the centre of Baghdad , main streets and other Iraqi main Iraqi cities  . we will  Amplify  short message from our Gold sponsors in mailings to our exclusive mailing list. You will really stand out as we give you a mention before we lives our headline keynote speaker to our global audience and you will participate in the delivering prices in the closing ceremony.

Deadline for submission July  1st annually .

For further information  about supporting the festival in any level like logistic or technical support ,  to be a sponsor or offer the festival any facilities or support please don’t hesitate don’t hesitate asking us for any more details , email : 




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