نحن مؤسسة مستقلة و غير حكومية تأسست عام 2004
The National Theatre - Baghdad
المسرح الوطني - بغداد
8 BIFF 2016 :
1st March :open submissions
1st June : close submissions
الدورة 8 للمهرجان
1 آذار مارس : يفتح التسجيل اونلان
1 حزيران يونيو : يغلق التسجيل

8 BIFF 2016 Rules & Regulations
تعليمات الدورة الثامنة 2016
official slections
all genres
بالتعاون مع
مؤسسة ومهرجان كراكوف - بولونيا
ضيف المهرجان
ضيف شرف : السينما الهولندية
بالتعاوان مع الملحقية الثقافية في السفارة الفرنسية
Intensif workshop in collaboration with arte for young Iraqi filmmakers
ورشة عمل مكثفة بالتعاون مع ارتيه للمخرجين العراقيين الشباب
مؤسسة اوغ و اوهر - برلين
ضيف المهرجان
شبكة السيناريو
In Focus : The Gulf cinema
Films from Bahrain
تحت الضوء : السينما الخليجية
افلام من البحرين
المؤسسة العراقية لتنمية السينما والثقافة
Iraqi Association for Cinema & Cultural Development
( I.A.C.C.D)
join us to reach to 17000 likes on our page
انضم الى اصدقاء الصفحة في فيسبوك للوصول الى 17000 مشارك
In collaboration with
In brief..
السينما العراقية بأيجاز
The screening program of the cinemas in Baghdad in the year
The cinemas names : Royal , Central and Olympia
برنامج عروض الافلام في دور السينما العراقية سنة 1922
اسماء دور العرض : رويال ، سنترال ، كولومبيا
Laura Silvia Battaglia
is a freelancer video journalist and documentarist. She is an independent contributor of the news rolling channel "Rai News 24" and of the National Tv Rai Channel 3. She has produced a variety of reportages from zones of conflict around the world, covering first-hand wars in Afghanistan, Jugoslavia and Lebanon, revolutions in Egypt and Libya, the presidential election in Senegal and Guinea Conakry, the Syrian conflict through the tragedy of syrian refugees, and social issues in Tunisia, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Yemen. She's covering the recent political crisis in Egypt again. She won important italian awards like 'Giancarlo Siani' 'Ilaria Alpi", and "Journalist for the Mediterranean sea" twice. She speaks italian, english, arabic standard and farsi.
Fabien Gorgeart
After work in the theater as director's assistant and actor, Fabien Gorgeart made five short films between 2007 and 2013, all broadcast on French television, selected and awarded in many international festivals. He was awarded the Jury Prize at the last festival of Clermont Ferrand with "The Sense Of Orientation". He is currently developing his first feature film produced by Petit Film - Jean DesForêts.
Tarek Abdel Rahman
He was born in Baghdad where he finished his primary, preparatory and secondary education. He earned a BA, MA and PhD from the faculty of fine Arts in Baghdad. He lectured at the cinema department at faculty of fine Arts, Arbeel University. He has many publications, critical essays and research papers on the cinema. He directed a number of programs, and TV serials among which are: Don't knock at the door of the Dilemma, The Kanous, Hannen elnouk, A witness from this Age, Human Rights, The Birds of the Sun, The Journey of Prophet Ibrahim, the animation movie Zoo..The flying Human.
Katia Jarjoura
A Lebanese-Canadian filmmaker, Katia Jarjoura directed several documentaries in the Middle East (Goodbye Mubarak! the Road to Kerbala, Caught in Between) which were screened worldwide and broadcast on various international channels. Her work focuses on war torn countries where she portrays people caught in the midst of political turmoil. Katia also directed a short fiction film, In their Blood, set in Beirut, which won the France 2 award at the Brest film festival. She’s now working on her first feature film That's how the Tyrants want us, which unfolds in.
Hamid Almaliki
Freelance script writer from Iraq. Bachelor in film art from the faculty of fine arts – Baghdad . he starts as a journalist then he specialized in screenplay writing starting from 1996 .we wrote more than 20 TV series for different TV channels. he awarded many prizes for his film “intihak “ – from Cairo festival and Rabat festival . he awarded prizes for his tv series : Dahana, Abu tubar , assayeda and others .
is an award winning film maker with several documentaries and short films like ( Sinbads, Iraq my country, Nights of the Gypsies decent, Collapse, Cart and Ambulance driver). He Graduate from Institute and Academy of Fine Arts, Baghdad and studied at Universities of Sydney and Victoria in Australia.
Iraqi filmmaker graduated from the faculty of fine arts in Baghdad .Master degree in film art . she worked in 7 different films as a director and editor .she work in the TV drama series as a director and scriptwriter
Thaer Ali
was born in Baghdad. He earned a BA, MA, and a PhD in cinematic arts form the department of Cinema and Television, Faculty of fine arts, Baghdad University, where he has been working as a professor (2006 to the present). Prior to that, he worked as a lecturer in the Institute of Applied Arts in Baghdad. He has also been the secretary editor of the Cinema and TV journal that is issued by the Cinema and TV department (2006 to the present). He also worked as the head of editors and director of the Television Unit in Iraqi News Agency (1991-2003). He directed 3 documentaries that were screened on the Iraqi TV. He was the director of The Times bureau in Baghdad (2002-2003). He published a number of articles and research papers and is done with the manuscript of a book that is entitled The Technical and Intellectual characteristics of the American Cinema 1990-2000.
Maher Mageed
was born in 1969 in Iraq. He received a BA and an MA in audiovisual arts and a PhD in the philosophy of Art. He wrote and published a number of research papers and critical articles in specialized magazines and in the Iraqi and Arab press. He also worked as a director in a number of satellite channels, such as the Iraqi channel, the Saudi TV, Eshtater channel, Elhurra ElIraq, Elmada, Asia, etc. He was the executive director and scriptwriter of a number of movies and serials. He currently works as a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Baghdad