نحن مؤسسة مستقلة و غير حكومية تأسست عام 2004
The National Theatre - Baghdad
المسرح الوطني - بغداد
8 BIFF 2016 :
1st March :open submissions
1st June : close submissions
الدورة 8 للمهرجان
1 آذار مارس : يفتح التسجيل اونلان
1 حزيران يونيو : يغلق التسجيل

8 BIFF 2016 Rules & Regulations
تعليمات الدورة الثامنة 2016
official slections
all genres
بالتعاون مع
مؤسسة ومهرجان كراكوف - بولونيا
ضيف المهرجان
ضيف شرف : السينما الهولندية
بالتعاوان مع الملحقية الثقافية في السفارة الفرنسية
Intensif workshop in collaboration with arte for young Iraqi filmmakers
ورشة عمل مكثفة بالتعاون مع ارتيه للمخرجين العراقيين الشباب
مؤسسة اوغ و اوهر - برلين
ضيف المهرجان
شبكة السيناريو
In Focus : The Gulf cinema
Films from Bahrain
تحت الضوء : السينما الخليجية
افلام من البحرين
المؤسسة العراقية لتنمية السينما والثقافة
Iraqi Association for Cinema & Cultural Development
( I.A.C.C.D)
join us to reach to 17000 likes on our page
انضم الى اصدقاء الصفحة في فيسبوك للوصول الى 17000 مشارك
In collaboration with
In brief..
السينما العراقية بأيجاز
The screening program of the cinemas in Baghdad in the year
The cinemas names : Royal , Central and Olympia
برنامج عروض الافلام في دور السينما العراقية سنة 1922
اسماء دور العرض : رويال ، سنترال ، كولومبيا
Jury members
Long Fiction Films and short drama official competitions
Herbert Gehr was born 1958, studied German Literature and Language, Philosophy, Theater-, Film- and Television Sciences at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, and graduated Master of Arts. From 1986 to 1998 he was curator, and since 1997 Deputy Director at the German Filmmuseum Frankfurt am Main. 1998 he moved to Berlin, and became an independent producer by working on-the-job. In the following years he worked as head of development and managing director of various film production companies in Berlin, as well as freelancing producer, line producer and script consultant, thus, over the last 14 years having a share in the production of numerous short and long feature films, music videos, image films and commercials.
OLA EZZELDIN HAMOUDA An Egyptian Screenwriting Professor at the Academy of Cinema Arts and Technology since 2003. Graduated from: The American University in Cairo with B.A. in Mass Communications 1981.The Higher Institute of Art Criticism 1989.Film Directing from the Academy of Cinema Arts Technology 2008.Wrote the screenplays of feature films A BOY AND A GIRL “, 2009.“THOSE DAYS “ 2009 (SCREENPLAY WINNING FUNDING FROM EGYPTIAN MINISTRY OF CULTURE , 2007).“ ONCE UPON A GIRL “ , and“DON’T UPSET MAMMA “ - (IN PRE-PRODUCTION).Worked as Art Director for two feature films, 2001, 2007.Directed the short film UNDER THE RAIN , 2008.Won funding to direct the short “BITTER ORANGES MARMALADE”, 2012.
Adnan Abou Elshamat is a Syrian actor who studied French literature at Damascus University. He started acting at the age of seven in Television, broadcast, theatre and the cinema. He left Syria for over seventeen years, where he lived in a number of Arab and foreign countries running some commercial businesses not related to art. His love for acting drove him back to Syria in 1997, where he took part in more than 80 serials and a number of plays and movies. He speaks Arabic, English, French and German and has translated The Pigeon, a novel by the German novelist Patrick Suskind, from German into Arabic.
Awatef Naeem was born in Baghdad. She is a critic, writer and director. She earned a PhD in theatrical directing from the faculty of fine arts in Baghdad. She is a member in the theatre critics association, which she founded in 1995. She was awarded a number of prizes for directing, writing and criticism from local and Arab festivals; Iraq, Jordan, Carthage, Egypt, Algeria and Emirates. She took part in international festivals in Germany and the Netherlands. She directed a number of plays for the national troupe of professional acting and for the Baghdad theatre professional: Ya toyour, Fouk, Beyt Elahzan, Nesa Lorka, Helm Massoud, Nahnaha, Daert eleshek Elbaghdadia, and Gonoun Elhamaem. She also made Kenz El maleh and Ana wa Gedi Wa eldomi for children. ..
Human Images and Arab women filmmakers official competitions
Racha H. Sharbatgy is a Syrian director. She earned a BA in pedagogy and psychology from Cairo University and an MA in pediatric psychology. She directed a number of Syrian and Egyptian works, among which are: Kanoun wa laken, Ashwak Naema, ghezlan fi Ghabet elziab- law kont makani-khamsa we khemesa- youm momter akhar, Zaman el Ar, hekaya ala eltarek, Assad elwarak, Takhet Sharqi, Banat eleila, Welada men elkhasira, Saeat elGamer. She received a number of awards from Arab festivals in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Emirates: Best Arab director for the year 2010 for the serial Assad el Warak and Takhet Sharqi, Best Directing for the year 2011in a number of questionnaires on the serial Welada men elkhaira.. |
Dirk van den Berg class 1966, is an internationally experienced writer, content developer, director and producer of feature and television films and documentaries. He graduated in 1992 at the National Academy of Rome, Italy.With a proven track-record as a trouble-shooter, he specialized in implementing difficult projects in territories such as the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia..Dirk’s professional and artistic credo is that Art needs organization - even chaos has to be created on purpose –or it will be lost.A creative spirit on the one hand, a strong sense of organization on the other, together with experience and craftsmanship are the basic elements for any work in the Arts and the Media.
Sanaa Ali Abass is one of the pioneers of Iraqi cinematography. She was born in Baghdad in 1945, and received her B.A from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1973. She earned a diploma from the Institute of Broadcast and Television Training in 1974. She became a professional camerawoman in 1974 and is, thus, the first camerawoman in the Arab world, as the Egyptian director Tawfik Saleh has affirmed. She shot in difficult locations: after the Iraqi- Iranian war, the military conflict in the northern region of Iraq and the Iraqi Marshlands. She produced, directed and filmed many cinematic films since 1973 up until 2009 for both the private and public sectors: My city by Farouq Dawoud, The Locomotive by Dawlat Moussa, The Swing by Noufal Farahat, Dangerous 90, and TV cinematic programs by the director Wedad Suleiman. She also directed the following documentaries and TV films: Technology of the Sunflower,
Documentary films official competition
Fulvia Alberti is a French-Italian filmmaker, and also novelist. She is completing the editing of "Illegal tourist", a 60' documentary for Via Stella and France3. She also worked for several programs of French-German TV like "Tous les habits du monde" (all the cloths on earth) and "Toutes les télés du Monde" (All TV of the world), which is at the origin of the DOKU project (http://doku4.wordpress.com). Since 1991 she comes to Iraq, where she founded with Baudouin Koenig the DOKU project "documentary cinema in iraq".