المؤسسة العراقية لتنمية السينما والثقافة 

 مؤسسة مستقلة و غير حكومية  تأسست عام 2004


President : Dr. Taher ALWAN

Director :Dr. Ammar ALARADY




The National Theater - BgahdadThe National Theatre - Baghdad
المسرح الوطني - بغداد 


8 BIFF 2016 : 3 TO 7 December 

  الدورة  8 للمهرجان من 3 ولغاية 7  كانون الاول ديسمبر   


Fetching Tweets…




المسابقات الرسمية



ضيوفنا في دورة 2016




مهرجان امستردام الدولي للسينما الوثائقية



المستشارية الثقافية الايرانية




مؤسسة ومهرجان كراكوف - بولونيا 


مؤسسة اوج و اوهر للأنتاج السينمائي  



Farabi Film Foundation


ستوديو فايدا / وارشو 




ضيف شرف : السينما الهولندية 



افلام من روسيا 



شبكة السيناريو 




المؤسسة العراقية لتنمية السينما والثقافة

Iraqi Association for Cinema  & Cultural  Development

( I.A.C.C.D)


join us to reach to 17000 likes on our  page

انضم الى اصدقاء الصفحة في فيسبوك للوصول الى 17000 مشارك









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In brief..


السينما العراقية بأيجاز


The screening program of the cinemas in Baghdad in the year


The cinemas names : Royal , Central and Olympia 

برنامج عروض الافلام في دور السينما العراقية سنة 1922 

اسماء دور العرض : رويال ، سنترال ، كولومبيا








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News Letter

Posted on October 8, 2014




Press Release

750 films from 45 countries have been registered

112 films will be presented within the six official competitions of the festival

80% of these films are premier released in Iraq and Arab World

Wide Arab participation in all competitions

BIFF announced the programs of its sixth session to be held for the period of 15 until October 19 in October, festival director said in a press statement that in spite of the circumstances and security challenges facing Iraq and the neighboring countries, but the administration of the festival and its operating teams insisted on continuing to work and prepare hard for a period of full year, adding that this session is the largest which presents more than 750 films from all continents of the world and from 45 countries
According to Taher ALWAN ,  the director of the festival, the number of films that have been selected by the competent committees to engage in official competitions are 112 film majority of them by up to 80% are the first show in Iraq and the Arab world and movies competitions ranged between feature long and short fiction and documentary films of human rights as well as the movies women directors of Arab and Iraqi films with broad Arab participation in all competitions.
The festival, which forms the most important cultural and film event in Iraq continue to be held since 2005, have arrived consistently in this session to the tenth year and is organized by an independent and non-governmental organization( Iraqi organization for Culture &cinema development ) and the festival enjoys wide Arab and international relations, where it stayed partnerships and previous agreements with the festival international documentary Film festival in Amsterdam and Seattle international Film Festival in the United States has also collaborated with the National Centre for Cinema in Egypt and elsewhere
. With respect to permanent partnerships and cooperation festival director says that for the third year we live in partnership and fruitful cooperation and effectively with the International Festival Clermont-Ferrand for Short Film is the second most important festival in France where there is agreement between the two parties offer film's award-winning first in the competitions mentioned in the festival every year, where it will be allocated, as in previous sessions of a special program.
On the other hand festival director announced that the administration of the festival succeeded in cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Culture and the Department of the movie& theater for the unveiling of a group of Iraqi films produced for the project of Baghdad, the capital of Arab culture last year and presented for the first time in Iraq and the Arab world ranged between feature film , short and documentary and where it will be organized special offer and a special symposium include a meeting with the directors of these films within the festival.
On terms of seminars festival director has announced the establishment of the sixth session of the annual forum to discuss the reality and the future of the film industry in Iraq with the participation of a group of Iraqi filmmakers including provision of working papers and extensive discussions about the reality of film production with highlight special project Baghdad, the capital of Arab culture and the experience of the production more than 30 films from the budget of the project
With regard to the constraints and obstacles facing the festival, festival director says that the annual challenge and main problem is the lack of allocation of a fixed budget for the festival by the Iraqi government and the rest of the Iraqi official in spite of the fact that the festival is the only Iraqi Arab World festival to be held in Baghdad, despite the turnout and widespread participation in it from around the world and despite the fact that the festival continues to take place annually in light of security challenges are many and hosting hundreds of films and filmmakers from around the world, but because of the fact that the festival is organized by an independent, non-governmental, non-political it to get allocate a fixed budget, which we seek it years ago with the competent authorities ..
Festival will give distinguished media shield for the best journalistic media coverage that undertaken by the satellite channels and radio stations, newspapers and certificates will be awarded to the most active in a media cover the news and events of the festival in a special ceremony will be held after the conclusion of the festival.

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